Wednesday, January 9, 2008

1 January 2008

erm... I lambat sket tulis news nih coz I sendiri ade 'Big Probs' yang I cari sendiri dan dah susahkan ramai orang... kes tu i xkan tulis kat blog nih coz ive my own blog with all my xtvt's that i've done before...
I just nak bgtau yang 'Abang Cho &Abg Chik (anak2 kakcu, bukan anak2 sidek tau) + mamat (anak pakngah Jong K, oopppss) telah di masukkan ke Skolah Tahfiz kat Seksyen 4 Shah Alam.. Same places dengan Abg Long (anak Alang Edie).. But im not sure that they all in da same place with Abid (anak along Jais).. I will come out with the latest info of that.. So, hopefully that they will happier there and their parents must be proud of them...

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